Green Washing and Sustainability

green energy

Green Energy

Productions in our facilities are based on green energy principle. Enviromental friendly raw materials, less hazardous chemicals and human friendly textile garments . At the and recycling the waste not to hurt our nature.


Less Chemical

Chemical Dye Stuff are being solved with special gas in order to save more water and enzymes. So, coloring is done without harming the nature.



Water consumption is the highest level in textile industry. On a daily basis value water will lead up to four million liter residue in both organic and inorganic. Our newly developed machines allow us to reduce these residues in leading to a better future. A single washing machine can save up to 50,000 liter per a day which equals to 250 people daily water need.



Serving people is the most valuable duty. As Yılmak, we fulfill this duty by leaving a clean environment for people with our sensitivity and precision.
